Better Sleep in an RV P2

3.  Get tired.

If you get lots of physical activity through the day, you will sleep more soundly. Exercise is a sleep aid. Sitting in the lawn chair all day is not. Just make sure you aren’t exercising right before bed, since your body needs time to wind down and relax.


4.  Get the RV temperature comfy and cool:

Sleep experts recommend a cool 65 degrees for sleeping, but this isn’t going to be the ideal temperature for everyone. Find a temperature where you aren’t waking up during the night feeling too cold or too hot. And hopefully, that temperature is the same for both you and your spouse.

5.  Create a separate bed for Fido:

A Mayo Clinic survey found that over half of people who share beds with pets have disrupted rest. If you want to sleep better and improve your health, Spot needs a new sleeping spot in the RV. How about a luxurious and cozy bed of his own like this one

dog in bed

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